
FHA Announces Loan Fee Increases

Minneapolis, MN: Thinking of getting an FHA home loan?  The Federal Housing Administration, commonly known as FHA just announced increases to mortgage insurance fees it charges homes owners by 10 basis points, or 0.10%.  This is on top of the massive fee increase from last year, which effectively doubled the cost of FHA mortgage insurance.

Swamped with a record $70 billion of claims from lenders on loans originated from 2007- 2009, the Federal Housing Administration Friday said it had no choice but to hike monthly mortgage insurance.

With the fee increase, the typical FHA borrower will now pay 1.35% of their loan amount per year in mortgage insurance. For example, a home with a $100,000 mortgage will now pay $112.50 a month in PMI. FHA said the fee increase will average $13.00 a month. Two years ago, the same $100,000 home would have only paid $45.83  a month.

The increase is designed to fix a reported a 16.3 billion deficiency in the FHA insurance fund as a result of defaulted loans insured during the housing crisis. While the mutual mortgage insurance fund shortage was projected at $13.48, this estimate is still well below the 2011 estimate of $14.67 billion.

FHA does actually do home loans, they insure the loans, which means lenders are more likely to do the loans knowing they have insurance on the loans against any losses. The increase insurance will greatly lessen the chances that the FHA will require a Government bailout to cover losses.

The Federal Housing Administration, currently insures about 16% of all home mortgages.

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