Minneapolis, MN: Many people believe that if you call around to enough lenders, that you will find someone offering a great deal. The reality is that it doesn’t really work that way. We generally say that if you call around to enough lenders, you might find the biggest liar.
Are All Lender Essentially The Same?
First understand that for all your traditional loans; FHA, VA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac loans, which encompass the vast majority of all mortgage loans done in this county, every mortgage lender follows the same rules, have the same underlying costs, and set rates based on the same thing. If my rates go up, so do theirs. If my rates go down, so do theirs.
Are there minor differences in mortgage companies rate? Yes, but generally, the difference between the best and the worst on any given day is about .25%, and really only has to do with overhead, not one being able to really offer something better.
If my cost is the same as their costs, but they have to pay for advertising on all TV channels, radio stations, and all over the Internet. If they have to pay for stadium sponsorships, and the brink and mortar buildings on every corner, but I don’t… Who do you think can then offer better deals? Yes, it is that simple.
So What Changes Mortgage Rates
Long term fixed rate loans, like Conventional fixed rate loans and Government back VA Loans and FHA Loan lenders all set their rates based on the pricing of Mortgage Backed Securities. These mortgage bonds are traded in real time, all day in the bond market.
This means rates or loan fees (mortgage pricing) moves constantly throughout the day, being affected by a variety of economic or political events. The bond market most days trades in a small zone. So the mortgage rate the lender sets in the morning, is usually good all day long. But sometimes, the bond market has bigger changes though out the day, meaning a mortgage lender could potentially change rates during the day, sometimes even multiple times in one day.
This can be very frustrating for mortgage shoppers. You call this morning to get a mortgage quote. Quote in have, you talk to your spouse about it, calling back in the afternoon, just to get a different quote. Sometimes this change is in your favor. Sometime it is not.
Therefore tracking these securities in real-time is critical. When MBS pricing goes up, mortgage rates or pricing generally goes down. When they fall, mortgage pricing goes up. Click this link to track our live mortgage rates for MN, WI, IA, ND, SD.
Working with a mortgage loan officer who knows and understands the mortgage back security market, someone who can help you understand when to lock your interest rate, or if you should float your interest rate it critical.
I am one of those Loan Officers, not just your typical Loan Application Clerk. I lend in MN, WI, IA, ND, SD.