
Fannie and Freddie Suspend evictions for Christmas

Minneapolis, MN:  Freddie and Fannie both announced that they will be suspending evictions nationwide between December 17, 2012 and January 2, 2013 on foreclosed occupied homes.

Such a joyous season…

This is in addition to the previous announcement suspending evictions in eligible major disaster areas caused by Hurricane Sandy which continue through February 2013.

Freddie’s announcement, which mirrors Fannie’s, says, “The two week holiday suspension will only apply to eviction lockouts on Freddie Mac-owned REO homes and will not affect other pre- or post-foreclosure processes. Although no evictions will take place, firms handling local evictions for Freddie Mac will continue to file documentation in preparation for evictions, scheduled after January 2, 2013.

Buy New Construction or Existing Homes and Foreclosures?

St Paul, MN: New construction is suffering.

The lowest NEW housing construction numbers since 1963 when the USA had 120  million LESS people have just been reported. There are many reasons for this, but the fact remains, right now is one of the best times to buy a house, and first time home buyers are missing the boat standing on the sidelines. Builders are fighting back, and we all should be concerned as new construction is a major economic backbone in this country.

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